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Four Steps to Choose the Right Orthopedic Surgeon for Your Needs

Four Steps to Choose the Right Orthopedic Surgeon for Your Needs

Do you suffer from aches and pain of arthritis? Are you struggling with chronic back or neck pain? Do you think its time for a hip replacement? When you have trouble with your mobility or you have suffered an injury to your wrists, ankles, or hips, you may need to be seen by an orthopedic surgeon in Deltona. It can be difficult to choose the right specialist to meet all of your needs, but when you do your research and ask the right questions, you can pick the right one. Follow these steps to ...

Do I Need to See an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Do I Need to See an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Are you suffering from hip or knee pain associated with arthritis? Have you recently suffered from a broken or sprained ankle or wrist? Do you struggle with mobility issues? When you have aches and pains in your bones, joints, and muscles, you may want to consult the professional opinion of an orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs. Our orthopedic surgeon offers specialization in everything from foot and ankle to hip, knees, and wrists. These are a few reasons why you may want to see an orth...

What You Should Know about a Torn Meniscus

What You Should Know about a Torn Meniscus

Knee injuries are extremely common in those that play high-impact sports or perform rigorous exercise routines. When you injure your knee, you may feel sharp pain, limited mobility, or the inability to move at all. As an orthopedic surgeon in Orange City, we treat many knee injuries. Many of these knee injuries end up being torn meniscuses. Although most injuries occur by traumatic force or twisting of the knee, a torn meniscus is actually a degenerative tear. There are a few things you shoul...

How Stretching Can Prevent Injuries

How Stretching Can Prevent Injuries

Athletes are not the only people that use stretching to prevent injuries and improve muscle strength, flexibility, and health. Stretching is important for preparing your muscles for physical activity, as it offers many benefits including injury prevention. As an orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary, we recommend stretching your muscles at least three times a week to keep them strong and healthy. There are a few ways that stretching can prevent injuries. Increases Flexibility ...

Treating a Torn Meniscus

Treating a Torn Meniscus

Meniscal tears are a familiar knee injury, particularly for athletes who constantly twist and turn quickly, with one or both knees flexed while playing or lifting weights. Unfortunately, your meniscus also manages to grow weaker as you age, making them more inclined to tears. The meniscus itself is a pliable C-shaped disk with a stretchy consistency that buffers your knee. There are actually two of these disks, dubbed menisci, the plural for meniscus, on both knees. One is positione...

Do You Have Arthritis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Do You Have Arthritis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are experiencing pain in one or both of your hands, you might be wondering if arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome are provoking your pain. While both ailments can induce pain, there are several fundamental differences between them both. Carpal tunnel syndrome can generate tingling, weakness, or numbness in your hand. Arthritis can also provoke pain and make it hard to hold things, but for entirely different causes. Carpal tunnel syndrome is compelled by nerve compaction, and arthritis ...

Three Ways to Protect Your Joints

Three Ways to Protect Your Joints

Your musculoskeletal system is made of bones, muscles, and joints. Your bones connect at a joint, where vital tissues called tendons and ligaments help attach your bones. On the ends of each bone is a lining of protective cartilage and soft tissues (synovial membranes) that create a liquid called synovial fluid. Your bones are cushioned by cartilage and lubricated by synovial membranes, so they don't rub against each other. Joints let you move your body and support your weight throughout ...

Understanding the Causes of Tendonitis

Understanding the Causes of Tendonitis

Tendonitis (or tendinitis) is the inflammation or aggravation of one of your body's numerous tendons. To comprehend the cause of tendonitis, you should first understand what tendons are and what they do. Tendons are robust, relatively elastic, fibrous threads of tissue that connect various muscles to bones. Tendons allow movement by working with the surrounding muscles to wield a pulling force on bones. Tendonitis occurs at any age. However, it is much more standard in individua...

Healing from a Broken Bone

Healing from a Broken Bone

A broken bone is not a pleasant experience. Besides the discomfort, it requires careful treatment and leaning on the severity and site of the break, it may also require surgical intervention. However, once you have been provided appropriate care, the therapeutic process can start in earnest, and your body will require as much support in healing as possible. This implies allowing for sufficient rest, nutritional assistance, and lifestyle changes, like quitting tobacco use or bypassing specific...

Relief for Sciatica

Relief for Sciatica

If you or someone you care about suffers from sciatica pain, you understand that obtaining relief from the searing pain, tingling, and numbness is a top priority. Sciatic nerve discomfort often comes and goes and is usually induced by an aggravation of the nerve roots, which may worsen by sitting for long periods at a desk. The promising news is that most people who suffer from sciatica recover without the need for surgery. Sciatica often responds well to muscle stretches, beneficial lifestyl...

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