Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis

Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis is a painful condition of the shoulder caused by injury, overuse, or repetitive activity. The tendons around the shoulder joint become irritated and inflamed which can cause shoulder pain and weakness.

What is the Rotator Cuff??

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis?

How do you diagnose Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis?

What are Common Treatments for Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis?

What are the surgical treatments for Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis?

What to expect after shoulder surgery?

**Disclaimer: Treatment recommendations may vary depending on your true diagnosis. Always follow the recommendations of your orthopedic provider.

Call (386) 775-2012 to schedule an appointment or
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