Wobbly Scapula Syndrome Explained by Deland's Premier Orthopedic Surgeon

Wobbly Scapula Syndrome Explained by Deland's Premier Orthopedic Surgeon

Wobbly Scapula Syndrome Explained by Deland's Premier Orthopedic Surgeon


Are you or a loved one experiencing unexplained shoulder pain, weakness, or a feeling that something isn't quite right with your shoulder blade? If you're a resident of Deland, FL, or its surrounding communities, Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute is here to help demystify a condition known as Wobbly Scapula Syndrome. Our renowned team of orthopedic specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, ensuring our patients maintain mobility and comfort in their everyday lives.


Understanding Wobbly Scapula Syndrome

What Is Wobbly Scapula Syndrome? Wobbly Scapula Syndrome, also known as scapular dyskinesia, is a condition characterized by abnormal movement and positioning of the scapula (shoulder blade). This can lead to pain, weakness, and a range of motion restrictions in the shoulder joint.

Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore: Individuals with Wobbly Scapula Syndrome often report symptoms such as a winged scapula - where the inner edge of the shoulder blade sticks out instead of lying flat against the ribcage - along with pain, fatigue, and a sensation of instability in the shoulder region.

Who Is at Risk?

Identifying Risk Factors: Certain athletic activities, including repetitive overhead arm motions as seen in baseball and swimming, can increase the risk of developing Wobbly Scapula Syndrome. Additionally, pre-existing conditions such as shoulder instability or rotator cuff injuries can predispose individuals to this syndrome.

The Role of Rehabilitation: Physical therapy plays a critical role in the management of Wobbly Scapula Syndrome. Through a targeted rehabilitation program, patients can strengthen the muscles supporting the shoulder blade and learn techniques to improve scapular control and positioning.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Comprehensive Evaluation: At Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute, our diagnostic process begins with a comprehensive evaluation, including a thorough medical history review, physical examination, and possibly imaging studies to assess the extent of scapular dyskinesia.

Conservative Approaches: In many cases, conservative treatments such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and rest can alleviate symptoms. However, for severe or persistent cases, surgical intervention may be recommended.

Surgical Options

Bringing Balance Back: The primary goal of surgical treatment for Wobbly Scapula Syndrome is to restore normal scapular function and alleviate associated symptoms. This may involve techniques like scapular stabilization procedures or release of tight soft tissues that may be contributing to the abnormal scapular movement.

Aftercare and Recovery: Post-surgical rehabilitation is critical to a successful outcome. Our team works closely with patients to establish a personalized rehabilitation plan, ensuring a safe and effective recovery process that allows patients to return to their normal activities as quickly and as comfortably as possible.


Finding Support at Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute

Nervous about navigating a potential diagnosis of Wobbly Scapula Syndrome? Don't worry, you're not alone. Our team is committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. We understand the impact shoulder-related conditions can have on your daily life, and we are here to provide the highest quality of care to get you back on the path to wellness.

To schedule a consultation with our experienced orthopedic surgeons in Deland, FL, contact Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute. Our specialists are ready to provide the personalized attention and advanced care you deserve. With our expertise, we hope to not only inform but also reassure and support those affected by this condition, empowering them to take their first steps towards healing.