Torn meniscus - Symptoms & causes

Torn meniscus - Symptoms & causes

Torn meniscus - Symptoms & causes


Torn meniscus is a common knee injury that can happen to anyone, regardless of age and activity level. It is a type of knee injury that occurs when the cartilage in the knee is damaged or torn. If left untreated, torn meniscus can cause pain, swelling, and eventually lead to joint damage. In this post, we will discuss the symptoms and causes of torn meniscus and why seeking treatment is essential for recovery.


Symptoms of Torn Meniscus

The signs and symptoms of a torn meniscus include swelling, stiffness, and pain around the knee. Patients may also experience a clicking or popping sensation in the knee. In some cases, patients may struggle to straighten or bend their knee properly. The severity of the symptoms usually varies depending on the severity of the tear.

Causes of Torn Meniscus

Torn meniscus can occur due to different factors, including repetitive stress on the knee joint, sudden twists or turns, and wear and tear due to aging. Sports injuries, particularly basketball and football, are also common causes of torn meniscus. Additionally, people who are involved in physically demanding jobs that require repetitive bending and twisting motions are also at risk.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Torn Meniscus

Diagnosis of torn meniscus usually involves a physical examination, X-rays, and an MRI. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the tear and the patient's age and activity level. In some cases, non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy and ice therapy are adequate to manage symptoms and promote healing. However, severe tears may require surgical intervention. Arthroscopic surgery is a common surgical procedure done to repair torn meniscus. During the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision in the knee, inserts a small camera, and uses surgical tools to repair the damaged tissue.

Prevention of Torn Meniscus

The best way to prevent torn meniscus is to avoid the factors that can cause it. For example, if you participate in sports, take time to stretch and warm up before the activity. Wear properly fitting shoes that are designed for the sport you are playing. If you have had a previous knee injury, it is essential to take time to fully recover before getting back to your regular routine. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight and engaging in regular exercises can help strengthen your joints and reduce the risk of knee injuries.



Torn Meniscus is a common knee injury that can cause significant discomfort and pain. Understanding the symptoms and causes of torn meniscus is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. If you have any of the symptoms associated with torn meniscus, it's essential to seek help from an experienced orthopedic surgeon. At Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute, we are committed to providing personalized care to our patients and offering the best treatment options for their injury. If you're looking for an orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary, FL, contact us today to schedule an appointment.