Things To Do When Recovering from Spine Surgery

Things To Do When Recovering from Spine Surgery

Things To Do When Recovering from Spine Surgery


Recovery after spine surgery can be a slow and painful process. For many people, it can be a challenging experience to stay idle for weeks or even months. But it’s essential to avoid physical exertion and focus on healing to help your body recover entirely. So, what can you do to keep yourself entertained during this time? Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay occupied while recovering from spine surgery.

1. Read or Listen to Audiobooks

A great way to keep boredom at bay is to dive into an engaging book or audiobook. Reading books can truly transport you to another world and keep you occupied for hours. This may also help improve your cognitive function and provide a mental escape from the post-op recovery process.

2. Watch Movies or TV Shows

Binging on movies or TV can be an excellent way to keep your mind off the pain. With an endless supply of content to choose from, you can stream movies, TV shows, or even documentaries. It's a great way to stay entertained and relaxed during recovery.

3. Start a New Hobby

With plenty of free time during your recovery, why not pick up a new hobby? For example, you could learn to knit, paint, or play chess. These activities are low-impact and will help distract you from any lingering pain.

4. Stay Connected with Friends and Family

Recovering from spine surgery can be lonely and isolating, but thanks to technological advancements, you don’t have to feel alone. Reach out to friends or family members and keep in touch through Facetime, Skype, or Zoom. Talking to someone or just having someone to chat with can boost your mood and help you get through the tough days.

5. Listen to Music or Podcasts

Another great way to keep yourself entertained during post-op recovery is to listen to your favorite music or podcasts. You can create playlists of your favorite tunes or discover new podcasts to keep you engaged.



Recovering from spine surgery can be challenging, but it's essential to stay positive and keep yourself occupied during the healing process. You can try several ways to keep yourself entertained, such as reading books, watching movies or TV shows, starting a new hobby, staying connected with friends, and listening to music or podcasts. However, it's always best to follow your doctor's recommendations and avoid any physical activity that could impede your recovery. Remember to take adequate rest, eat well, and drink plenty of fluids to help your body heal. Most importantly, stay positive and keep the faith that you'll heal soon. If you're looking for an orthopedic surgeon in Deland, FL, contact Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute today for more information.