Risks of delaying shoulder replacement surgery

Risks of delaying shoulder replacement surgery

Risks of delaying shoulder replacement surgery

Shoulder replacement surgery is a common procedure that is undergone by thousands of patients every year. It is a treatment option for individuals suffering from severe shoulder pain and immobility that is not responding to non-surgical treatments. However, some patients may choose to delay their surgery for various reasons, which can potentially lead to complications and risk of further damage. In this blog post, we will discuss why delaying shoulder replacement surgery can be risky.


1) Increased Pain and Discomfort

One of the most common reasons why patients delay shoulder replacement surgery is the fear of undergoing surgery. However, delaying surgery can lead to increased pain and discomfort, making it harder for patients to perform even basic daily tasks like brushing their teeth or getting dressed. The longer patients wait, the more pronounced the pain and discomfort will become, which can lead to a decline in their quality of life.

2) Loss of Functionality

Another risk of delaying shoulder replacement surgery is a loss of functionality in the shoulder joint. A delay in surgery can result in muscles becoming weaker and the bones in the joint deteriorating further, making it harder for the patient to move their arm or shoulder. This can lead to a significant decline in their ability to perform basic daily activities like reaching for objects, dressing themselves, or using the computer.

3) Further Damage

Delaying shoulder replacement surgery can also lead to further damage to the bones, muscles, and tendons in the shoulder joint. This can result from overcompensating for the weakened and painful shoulder, leading to damage in other areas. As the joint deteriorates further, the surgery becomes more complicated, and recovery may be more difficult, leading to longer stays in the hospital and a more extended recovery period.

4) Missed Window of Opportunity

The last risk of delaying shoulder replacement surgery is missing the window of opportunity for optimal results. Patients who delay surgery may miss the ideal time frame for restoring functionality and getting relief from pain. The longer the patient waits, the more challenging the surgery will be for the surgeon, and the less effective the results will be. This can lead to long-term pain and discomfort, reduced range of motion, and a lower quality of life overall.



In conclusion, delaying shoulder replacement surgery may seem like a more favorable option, but it comes with numerous risks and complications. Increased pain and discomfort, loss of functionality, further damage to the joint, and a missed window of opportunity are all potential consequences of delaying surgery. If you are experiencing shoulder pain and immobility, contact your orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs, FL, today, and schedule an appointment to get the best possible outcome. At Central Florida Bone and Joint Institute, we offer comprehensive shoulder replacement solutions and individualized care to our patients. Don't delay – let us help you restore your shoulder's functionality and enjoy life again.