Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Shoulder Osteoarthritis


Shoulder osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects a large number of people, particularly those who are over the age of 50. It’s a degenerative disease that wears away the cartilage that cushions the shoulder joint, causing pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. While surgery is often the first line of defense for severe cases, there are many non-surgical options that can help relieve pain and improve function. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most effective non-surgical treatments for shoulder osteoarthritis.


1. Physical Therapy 

Physical therapy is one of the most common non-surgical treatments for shoulder osteoarthritis. A licensed physical therapist can create a custom treatment plan that involves exercises designed to strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve range of motion. They may also provide ice or heat therapy to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Physical therapy is often recommended in combination with other non-surgical treatments, such as medication or injections.

2. Medication 

Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can help manage pain and inflammation associated with shoulder osteoarthritis. Your doctor may also prescribe stronger pain medication in severe cases. However, it’s important to note that long-term use of medication can have negative side effects and should always be used as directed.

3. Injections 

Corticosteroid injections can provide fast-acting relief for shoulder osteoarthritis. The steroid is injected directly into the joint, reducing inflammation and easing pain. Hyaluronic acid injections, also known as viscosupplementation, can also be effective. This injection contains a substance that mimics the natural lubricating fluid found in joints, reducing friction and improving mobility.

4. Lifestyle Changes 

Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and avoiding repetitive motions that can aggravate the shoulder joint, can also be effective in managing shoulder osteoarthritis. Low-impact exercises, such as swimming and biking, can help improve strength and mobility without putting additional stress on the joint. Eating a healthy diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids, can also help reduce inflammation and pain.

5. Assistive Devices 

Assistive devices, such as a shoulder brace or sling, can help provide stability and support for the shoulder joint. They can also help reduce pain and prevent further damage to the joint. Your doctor may recommend a specific device based on the severity of your condition.



If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or stiffness, it’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the root cause and best treatment plan. Non-surgical treatments for shoulder osteoarthritis can be effective in managing pain and improving function, but they may not be appropriate for all cases. Your doctor can help you determine the best course of action for your specific needs and situation. If you’re looking for orthopedic surgeon in Deltona, FL, contact Central Florida Bone and Joint Institute for expert, compassionate care.