Hand Facts - Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Anatomy of the Hand

Hand Facts - Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Anatomy of the Hand

Hand Facts - Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Anatomy of the Hand


The human hand is an intricate and complex structure that is critical for our daily activities. It is a tool that allows us to perform mundane tasks like picking up objects or typing on a keyboard or carry out skilled procedures like surgery, painting or playing an instrument. Despite its importance, many of us take the hand for granted and fail to recognize its significance until we experience an injury or disorder. This blog post is your ultimate guide to understanding the anatomy of the hand and its essential functions. If you are seeking for a hand surgeon in Deltona, contact Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute today to schedule an appointment.


Anatomy of the Hand

The hand comprises 27 bones that include 8 carpal bones, 5 metacarpal bones, and 14 phalanges. The carpal bones form the wrist, the metacarpal bones form the palm, and the phalanges form the fingers. The hand also has an intricate network of tendons, ligaments, nerves, and muscles that support its movements and functions. The hand's flexibility, dexterity, and stability are achieved through the synergistic interactions between these structures.

Functions of the Hand

The hand serves several critical functions, including gripping, grasping, pinching, holding, throwing, typing, writing, and playing an instrument. These functions are made possible by the hand's complex structure, which allows it to move and apply varying degrees of pressure and force. The hand also plays a crucial role in our sense of touch, which helps us to recognize the texture, temperature, and shape of objects.

Hand Disorders and Injuries

The hand is vulnerable to several disorders and injuries that can affect its movement, function, and appearance. Some common hand problems include fractures, dislocations, ligament injuries, tendonitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and trigger finger. These conditions can cause pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. Proper diagnosis and treatment by an experienced hand specialist are critical to prevent permanent damage and restore hand function.

Hand Surgery

Hand surgery is a specialized branch of orthopedic surgery that focuses on diagnosing and treating hand disorders and injuries. Hand surgeons have extensive training and expertise in the complex anatomy, function, and pathology of the hand. They use advanced surgical techniques, including microsurgery, arthroscopy, and joint replacement, to repair and reconstruct damaged hand structures. Hand surgery can improve hand function, relieve pain, and restore hand appearance.

Hand Care and Maintenance

Maintaining good hand health is essential for preserving hand function and preventing hand problems. Simple practices like washing your hands regularly, using hand sanitizer, wearing gloves when handling chemicals or machinery, and maintaining proper ergonomics can go a long way in preventing hand injuries and disorders. It is also crucial to seek timely medical attention if you experience any hand pain, stiffness, or weakness.



In conclusion, the hand is a remarkable and complex structure that plays numerous critical functions in our daily activities. Understanding its anatomy, functions, disorders, and treatments can help us appreciate and care for our hands better. If you are seeking for a hand surgeon in Deltona, contact Central Florida Bone & Joint Institute today to schedule an appointment. Our expert hand surgeons can help diagnose and treat your hand problems and restore your hand function and appearance. Remember, your hands are valuable assets, so take good care of them.