What to Expect When You Undergo Orthopedic Surgery

What to Expect When You Undergo Orthopedic Surgery

What to Expect When You Undergo Orthopedic Surgery

What is your biggest concern about your scheduled orthopedic surgery? Is it the days leading up to it, or the procedure itself? This procedure is a big event for you, and you are justifiably nervous. For the orthopedic surgeon in Deland, however, it is just another day. You are in good hands and you really don't have any reason to stress over what's to come. All medical questions and concerns need to be addressed by your doctor, but here are some of the basic things you should expect when you undergo surgery.

Prior to Surgery

The days leading up to the surgery, make sure you follow any special instructions provided by your doctor or surgeon. Almost all appointments are proceeded days prior in confirmation of your appointment. But there are some preparations that many people don't consider before going to their appointment.

For starters, you need to wear comfortable clothing. As far as what you bring with you, make sure you have a list of medications you have taken, how recently they were taken. You should also bring a picture ID, and any medical aids you need. Most valuables and personal belongings should be left at home. Making a checklist of the items you will need when you go for your procedure and time spent in the hospital will help you ease the stress and worry and allow you to feel prepared and ready.

During the Procedure

Most surgery requires you to be under anesthesia. During the procedure, you will not have much to worry about. The doctors and nurses will verify emergency contact and you will have to designate a contact person.

After The Surgery

After the surgery, you will learn whether or not they will keep you overnight. You will be transported to a recovery area. Depending on the type of anesthesia and surgery you underwent, your recovery time will vary. Once the doctors feel it is safe to discharge you, your designated person will be informed and they can come pick you up and take you home.

Now, all surgeries can present different downtimes. The pain levels are also very dependent on the type of procedure. It is vital that you talk to your surgeon and/or doctor about what kind of discomfort you may experience. Make sure that you are informed of any warning signs of complications to pay attention to. If your pain increases, is unrelieved, or a new pain appears after your procedure, do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor about it. If there is anything that feels or looks unnatural, then it should be addressed.

These are a few things you should prepare for when you are going in for orthopedic surgery, like a shoulder or hip replacement surgery. When you have questions or concerns about whether you are a candidate for surgery, trust our orthopedic surgeon in Deland. Contact Florida Bone and Joint to schedule a consultation with us today.