Signs And Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Signs And Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Signs And Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The pressure on your median nerve may cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway on the palm side of your hand. When you feel pressure on your median nerve, it can result in tingling, numbness, or just pain and discomfort. As an orthopedic surgeon in Deland, we treat many patients dealing with the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome. These are a few signs and symptoms of the syndrome.

Common Symptoms

The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome start slowly and include many different symptoms that are easy to spot right from the start.


Whenever a person suffers from pressure on the median nerve, it causes tingling or numbness in the fingers or hand of the patient. In common situations, the symptoms appear in the thumb, middle, index, and ring finger. But the little finger is not affected in most cases.


You will feel the pressure from your hand to your wrist and then to your arm. You’ll experience these symptoms while holding the steering wheel, newspaper, mobile phone, or whenever you wake up. Whenever people experience this symptom, they usually shake their hands to relieve themselves. However, you’ll feel numbness constantly with time.


The second symptom you’ll face is weakness in your hand; you’ll drop things whenever you try to hold them. This weakness comes from the numbness and weakness of the fingertip muscles. This weakness in muscles results in the weakness of the hand. As these muscles are under the control of the median nerve, they become weak and appear as symptoms.

Common Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Besides the common symptoms, some causes lead to this syndrome. A few of the most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include the following:

  • CTS may happen if you are experiencing overweight problems.
  • Sometimes during pregnancy, there is a chance of this disease happening. So, doctors always recommend precautions during pregnancy.
  • If you are interested in doing work that includes wrist gripping or bending, you may face CTS.
  • People who are suffering from other diseases like Arthritis or Diabetes.
  • Repetitive motions may also cause TCS, like typing with the keyboard, chatting on mobile, or playing the piano.
  • You may be exposed to this disease if your parents are experiencing it.
  • Accidents can happen, and if your wrist is injured in an accident, there is a chance you will have this syndrome.

How to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Although this syndrome may be difficult to avoid if you encounter these causes in your life, you can minimize the chances by taking care of yourself. In your daily activities, you should follow these preventative measures:

  • Keep your wrist straight while sleeping
  • Take breaks when you need to perform repetitive tasks
  • Avoid continuously bending your wrists
  • Take care of your wrists when exercising

If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, you must seek the help of an orthopedic surgeon in Deland. Contact Florida Bone and Joint to schedule an appointment with us today.