Common Types of Spinal Surgery

Common Types of Spinal Surgery

Common Types of Spinal Surgery

For many individuals encountering pain or discomfort from a spinal ailment, spine surgery can be an ideal option to reduce pain and return to daily activities. However, before spine surgery, patients must be appropriately qualified by a professional orthopedic surgeon in Orange City and thoroughly informed of treatment alternatives. In addition, any surgery can be risky, and understanding the facts is an essential step toward recovery. Here are some of the most common kinds of spine surgery.

The most common spine surgeries fit into two categories: decompressing your neurological structures and stabilizing your spine. The categories are often incorporated during spinal operations. More precisely, four standard kinds of procedures designate about 90 percent of available spine surgeries:

  • Discectomy: This approach usually removes herniated disc material that pushes your nerves or spinal cord. Discectomy is a decompressive style of surgery.
  • Laminectomy or laminotomy: An opening over your nerve or spinal cord is created to relieve compression of the structures. The terms correlate to the site of said opening in the posterior segments of your spine and their dimensions. This is also a kind of decompression.
  • Spinal decompression and fusion: This is the most typical spine surgery conducted in the U.S., and it's executed to take pressure off of pinched nerves or your spinal cord and stabilize your spine. During this procedure, pressure is reduced, and your spine is stabilized by employing hardware anchored to bony spine elements. This approach incorporates decompression and spine stabilization.
  • Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: In a sense, this is a spinal decompression and fusion process. The distinction is that it is conducted from the front of your spine, unlike the most common decompression and fusion procedures generally conducted from the back. Also, it is executed on your neck. Symptoms include nerves or your spinal cord pinching in your cervical spine. This portion of your spine is vulnerable to compaction of neurological structures coming from your disc, so we extract the disc, repair the disc space by placing a spacer between your vertebrae, and use instruments to rev healing your vertebrae with one another via fusion. This is another method that incorporates decompression and spine stabilization.

Significance of Being Authorized for Spine Surgery

Most properly qualified patients for spine surgery acquire very good to outstanding results, and they return to regular or near regular function with considerable improvement in their discomfort.

In general, the small number of individuals who do not acquire positive results are often not properly qualified and are likely not good prospects for surgery anyway.

The recovery Process Is Constantly Improving

We constantly push for innovations in spine surgery, including less intrusive surgical procedures and more satisfactory pain control for patients experiencing spine surgeries. As a result, the recovery from a spine procedure is significantly faster now than in the past and will continue to improve.

Depending on your surgery, we generally expect patients to return to normal activities in approximately three weeks. However, some people who have less intrusive procedures document being able to return to everyday life, with a lack of discomfort, within several days. These are a few common types of spine surgery. Call us immediately if you need an orthopedic surgeon in Orange City. We are here to help.