Common Sports Related Injuries

Common Sports Related Injuries

Common Sports Related Injuries

Sports injuries can happen to anyone, from amateur athletes to professional athletes. Although playing sports should not be discouraged by the possibility of injury, you can take precautions against some of the most frequent sports injuries by being aware of them. If you have an injury, getting the right care is crucial to returning to how you were before. Sports-related injuries are common and can happen to any region of the body. These are some of the most common injuries that can occur in athletes.


Since most activities require the usage of various muscles and tendons, strains are the most frequent sports injuries—a strain results when a muscle or tendon has been overextended or torn.

Tendons are threads of connective tissue that join bone to muscle. These tissues can become painful, spastic, swollen, or difficult to move if pulled or twisted. Back and hamstring muscle strains are also frequent.

Groin Pull

One common area for strain is the groin. A groin pull is another name for a groin strain. The muscles in the thighs, which surround the groin, can become overstretched or torn under excessive pressure. Sports compromises of running and jumping are more likely to result in groin pulls. If you pull your groin, you will feel soreness inside the muscles of your thighs, making it difficult to close your legs or lift your knees. You will only experience soreness and diminished strength with a minor tear. However, more severe groin strains can cause excruciating pain and a loss of muscular function due to the significant rip.

Shin Splints

Shin splints, or soreness along the inside of the shinbone, can be brought on by strenuous sports or running. It often happens following a rapid transformation in physical conditioning. So gradually increasing your workout intensity is critical. Shin splints are treated conservatively, with ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, and rest. To rule out a stress fracture, you should see a doctor if the pain doesn't disappear.


Most challenging and communication sports carry an intrinsic danger of fractures. Still, you can lower it by using the right protection, warming up, exercising to keep your muscles strong and flexible, using proper technique, etc. Additionally, avoid "playing via the pain." it is known to indicate a strain as well as a sprain. If remaining untreated, it might weaken the bone and render it susceptible to fracture.

Back Injuries

Almost every sport puts some strain on your back and spinal column. Inflammation around the vertebrae and back muscles may develop due to this tension over time, occasionally causing disc degeneration and frequently causing pain in the upper or lower back.

A sudden, jarring hit can occasionally cause a serious injury to the back. Back treatments can range greatly from rest to physical therapy to surgery, depending on the issue. The greatest method to reduce back discomfort is to maintain strong, flexible back muscles with frequent low-impact exercise, warm-ups, and even a healthy diet.

Contact an Orthopedic Surgeon in Deland

Sports injuries can happen to anyone, from amateur athletes to professional athletes. If you get injured, getting the right care is crucial to returning to how you were before. Sports-related injuries are common and can happen to any region of the body.

If you have suffered from a sports-related injury, contact our experienced orthopedic surgeon in Deland to schedule an appointment with us today.