7 Tips to Prepare for Foot Surgery

7 Tips to Prepare for Foot Surgery

7 Tips to Prepare for Foot Surgery

You have scheduled your foot surgery appointment. You know what time you need to be there and exactly where you need to go. That’s enough preparation, right? Not even a little bit. First, you need to set up your home for optimal recovery. Our orthopedic surgeon in Orange City recommends these tips to be well-prepared for your foot surgery.

Set up a bed on the entry floor of your home

If your home has more than one story, arrange your sleeping area- a couch or bed- on the entry-level. The last thing you want to deal with is traveling up and down the stairs with a bandaged foot. Do not be concerned with how your sleeping arrangements look. They will only be needed short-term.

Have a portable toilet or bathroom nearby

You will need to use the restroom several times daily, so make sure you have accommodations close to where you will spend most of your time. Not only do you not want to have to navigate stairs to get there, but doing so increases your risk of falls and injury.

Stock up on essential supplies

Speak with your surgeon to find out how long you will be immobile. Then stock your home with anything you might need for that period, plus a few additional days, just in case. These supplies include frozen or canned foods, meals you can microwave quickly, toilet tissue, shampoo, Kleenexes, and any other personal items you use regularly.

Stock up on medications

You will not be able to jump in the car and drive to the pharmacy during your recovery, so make a list of any prescription or OTC medications you will need. Then, ensure you have an adequate supply to get you through the recovery period. If your physician prescribes you something after the procedure, have a family member or friend pick them up for you.

Make sure all your basic needs are within reach

Store extra toilet paper, medications, and food between waist and shoulder level, so you are not forced to stretch or bend. Arrange silverware, dishes, and glasses on the kitchen counter for easy access when you need them.

Keep your phone handy

You will need to make and accept calls during the recovery period. Make sure there is a connection close to your bed if you only have a landline. If you have a cell phone, make sure there's a plug nearby for your charger, so your battery won't die.

Ask for help

No matter your level of independence, you might need help with going to the doctor, shopping, or bathing. Ask a family member or friend to help you when you need assistance. If required, speak to your physician about a referral to an in-home caregiver service that can help during recovery. In many cases, these services are covered by your insurer.

Follow these tips to get ready for your surgical procedure. And, if you need an orthopedic surgeon in Orange City, call us today. We are here to help!