What You Should Know about Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries

What You Should Know about Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries

What You Should Know about Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries

A rotator cuff injury is a common source of discomfort and dysfunction in adults. Every year, nearly 2 million Americans seek medical attention from an orthopedic surgeon in Deland for rotator cuff problems. Your rotator cuff, when working correctly, enables your arm to lift and rotate freely.   On the other hand, a rotator cuff tear will weaken your shoulder, and as a result, many daily actions, such as combing your hair or getting dressed, may become uncomfortable and difficult.  Rotator cuff injury affects all age groups and genders, but the problem is more common among adults. These are a few things you should know about the rotator cuff and potential injuries.

What is a rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a collection of muscles and tendons located in your shoulder which assist you in lifting and moving your arms away from the body. The rotator cuff holds the upper arm bone's (humerus) ball in the shoulder blade socket.

What is a rotator cuff tear?

The shoulder is a skeletal system joint with a ball and socket joint. That is like a golf ball on a golf tee. When tendons move away from the arm bone, rotator cuff tears occur. A tear might occur as a result of overuse or another type of injury.

Can Rotator cuff tears affect both shoulders?

Tears usually occur on your dominant hand, although they can occur on any side. A tear in one shoulder raises the chances of a tear in the other shoulder. Even if you may not have shoulder pains on the opposite side, diagnostics may reveal a tear even with no symptoms or discomforts.

How is rotator cuff injury diagnosed?

Your orthopedic surgeon will perform a physical exam to assess shoulder tenderness, range of motion, and arm strength. Additionally, you may receive the following to confirm a diagnosis:

  • An X-ray is taken to look for bone spurs or arthritis.
  • An ultrasound or MRI will be performed to look for tendon tears.

What are the signs of a torn rotator cuff?

Rapid accidental tears cause instant arm weakness and severe shoulder pain. When one suffers from degenerative tears, the mild pain can be relieved with over-the-counter painkillers. Over a while, the discomfort worsens, and pain medications are ineffective. Although not everyone experiences discomfort, the majority of people experience some degree of arm and shoulder weakness.

The signs of a rotator cuff tear include the following:

  • Difficulty or pain when raising your arm
  • Gradual shoulder weakness
  • Difficulty reaching behind the back
  • Avoiding specific tasks due to pain
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Difficulties when sleeping on the injured shoulder
  • Pain or tenderness to the area
  • Clicking sounds

Contact Our Orthopedic Surgeon in Deland

When you are concerned with an injury to your rotator cuff, you will want to talk to our orthopedic surgeon in Deland.  Contact us today if you are experiencing any one of these common symptoms so we can evaluate your shoulder today.