Have you recently sustained an injury to your shoulder? Are you looking to return to your normal activity after your injury? It can be frustrating when you have limited mobility or need to take it easy because of an injury to a major joint. However, it is important to listen to your body and the treatment options given by your orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs. Taking it easy and slow is the best way to go, despite how much you would like to get back into it. These are a few tips for returning to activity after you sustained a shoulder injury.
By moving too quickly or pushing your body to do exercises that you are not ready for, you may re-injure yourself. Be careful to follow the instructions given to you by your doctor or your physical therapist. Even if you feel as though you can handle a quicker pace or a larger weight during your workout, you should avoid it for now. Give your body time to fully recover before you push it too hard.
If something hurts, stop doing it. Listening to your body is one of the most important pieces of advice when it comes to returning to your activities after an injury. When you have a shoulder injury, you can cause more harm than good by taking on too much too soon. Lifting heavy weights can cause pressure that can cause issues, which can end up creating more setbacks than you need.
Anytime you are recovering from a shoulder injury, the cardinal rule should be to take it slow. Like listening to your body, you should also not take on too much too soon. By going slow, you avoid any re-injury and anymore harm to your body. If you are concerned with moving too quickly, talk to your doctor so that you can be on the same page with your treatment and recovery plan.
Before you get back to your ordinary routine, you will need to strengthen your shoulder to take on more challenges. By working on gaining strength, you will be able to handle more activity and movement soon. Start with light exercises and small weights and eventually work your way up. Over time, you will be able to gain your full strength so that you can perform your activities and sports like you used to.
These are a few tips for returning to activity after you sustained a shoulder injury. When you suffer an injury to your shoulder, it can change the level of activity, sports, and movement that you can safely do without doing more harm to your body. If you are concerned with returning to sports after an injury, contact our orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs to schedule an appointment with a specialist today.