Common Hip Injuries and Conditions

Common Hip Injuries and Conditions

Common Hip Injuries and Conditions

Hip pain is a general term for any pain felt in or around the joint of the hip. Sometimes you may feel pain in the thigh or groin instead of the hip itself. Hip pain can be caused by certain conditions or injuries, including:

Inflamed tendons

Tendonitis or inflamed tendons are the most common cause of acute hip pain. Tendonitis is often caused by excessive exercising and usually heals within a few days but can still be very painful.


Arthritis is the most common cause of long-term hip pain. Difficulty walking, severe hip pain, and stiff and tender joints are all symptoms of arthritis. The various types of arthritis include:

  • Infectious arthritis is caused by an infection of the joint that destroys cartilage.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an attack on the joints by the body's immune system and can destroy bones and joint cartilage over time.
  • Osteoarthritis is the wearing down of cartilage surrounding the joints and is often related to age.

Rheumatoid arthritis is much less common than osteoarthritis.

Fractured hip

People who have osteoporosis or older adults commonly report hip fractures. Hip fractures require immediate attention and cause severe and sudden hip pain. In addition, a blood clot in the leg and other complications can arise from a hip fracture. Surgery by an orthopedic surgeon in Deltona is usually the best treatment for a fractured hip. Recovery often requires physical therapy.

Trochanteric bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is another possible cause of hip pain. When bursae near the hip joint become inflamed, it is caused by trochanteric bursitis. Posture problems, hip injury, or overuse of the joints are factors that can cause trochanteric bursitis. Women experience trochanteric bursitis much more often than men.

Experts offer these less common conditions that can be the cause of hip pain:

Snapping hip syndrome

Athletes and dancers most commonly experience snapping hip syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by a snapping feeling or sound in the hip joint. For example, getting up out of a chair or walking may cause snapping. In some cases, snapping hits hip syndrome can cause pain, though. However, the condition is generally painless. Material fragments in the hip or cartilage tears are usually the cause of snapping hip syndrome with pain involved.


Avascular necrosis, or osteonecrosis, happens when blood cannot reach the bones either permanently or temporarily. Osteonecrosis can cause the loss of supporting bone. As the disease progresses, cartilage will eventually collapse, and crumpled or broken bones are also common. The cause of osteonecrosis is not always clear. You may be at greater risk for this condition if you have undergone heavy steroid use, heavy alcohol use, treatment for cancer, or a joint injury. The cause of osteonecrosis is never determined in most cases.

It is necessary to contact your doctor if you experience pain in your hip that lasts longer than a few days. An experienced physician can help treat your condition and manage pain. If you can see exposed muscle or bone, your hip is bleeding, you experience a popping noise, or you cannot bear weight, you should contact your physician immediately. If you have severe pain or your hip joint appears swollen or deformed, it is also essential to seek immediate medical help. Hip pain paired with any of the following symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Tenderness
  • Soreness

These symptoms may indicate severe conditions, including septic arthritis. Septic arthritis is a joint infection that can lead to osteoarthritis and deformed joints when left untreated.

Hip pain can limit our lives and mobility. But, if you experience chronic hip pain, help is available to make things more manageable. Early intervention by a doctor or orthopedic surgeon in Deltona can get you on your way to better health.