Five Common Questions about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Five Common Questions about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Five Common Questions about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you suffering from hand and wrist pain or numbness?  Do you wonder if you need to see an orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary to be checked out?  When you are suffering from pain in your wrists or hand, you may actually be demonstrating the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.   As one of the most common disorders affecting the hand, carpal tunnel syndrome is typically indicated by numbness, pain, or overall weakness of the hand and wrist.  There are a few common questions about carpal tunnel syndrome that can help you better understand the disorder.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is typically categorized by pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness of the hand and wrist joint.   This can occur when you have increased pressure on the nerve running through the wrist to your hand, known as the median nerve.  Because this nerve is responsible for the sensation in most of your fingers and thumb, it can be felt throughout the whole hand.  

What are common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Individuals that are affected by carpal tunnel syndrome typically report pain, numbness, or general weakness in their hands and wrists.  They may also feel tingling in their fingers, especially the thumbs and fore fingers.  Nighttime pain, tingling, and numbness is commonly reported, as many people curl their hands when they sleep, which can lead to them waking up from pain.  

What is the carpal tunnel?

When you hear the term "carpal tunnel syndrome," you likely want to know exactly what the carpal tunnel is.  This tube-like, or tunnel-like, channel allows the median nerve and tendons to travel safely up the hand.  It is composed of bones and ligaments in your hand that help hold it together.  When you apply pressure to the hand, your carpal tunnel will then place the pressure on the nerve and tendons traveling up your hand, causing pain.

Who does carpal tunnel syndrome affect?

Many people believe that factory and office employees are those who are commonly affected by carpal tunnel syndrome.  Although these individuals are more susceptible because of their daily responsibility and repetitive usage of their wrists and hands, they are not the only ones who can be affected by this disorder.  Anyone who has repetitive usage of their hands can be affected.  

What happens when you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome for a long time?

As time progresses, your symptoms will worsen.  Numbness and tingling sensations can become stronger, which can actually cause you to drop objects.  It can even cause atrophy of the thumbs if left untreated.  You may also have a difficult time performing delicate fine motor activities, like buttoning or zippering your clothes.

These are some of the common questions to help you better understand the symptoms and signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.  When you are suffering from pain, numbness, or weakness in your hand or wrists, you may have difficulty accomplishing everyday tasks.  You'll want to set up an appointment to be checked out by an orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary.  Contact us to schedule your appointment with us today.