Exercises to Do at Home to Stay Limber When Gyms are Closed

Exercises to Do at Home to Stay Limber When Gyms are Closed

Exercises to Do at Home to Stay Limber When Gyms are Closed

Have you been struggling to stay in shape during the pandemic?  The gyms are closed and sports are at a stand-still, which can make it difficult to stay limber and stay in shape during this time.  Instead of sitting at home and waiting for the world to reopen, our orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary suggests that you continue with proper exercises in order to prevent injury upon your return to your normal workout routine.  There are a few exercises that are easy to do at home to encourage you to stay limber even when sports and gyms are closed.


Squats are great exercises to work your legs and core muscles, which provides you with strength and balance.  Start by standing with your feet hips width apart and your heels evenly on the floor.  Stand in an upright position with your back flat.  Having the right posture is critical in avoiding injury when you are performing squats.  Repeat your squats for one-minute sessions.

Hip Flexor Stretch

This stretch is important for keeping your legs and hip muscles properly warmed up for any physical activity that may follow, such as running or lifting weights.  You'll want to lay on a flat surface, bed, or table.  Move your leg lower towards the table until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.  Hold for 30 seconds and then switch legs.  Rotate this stretch into your routine for best results.


This stretch is great for core strength and balance.  Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent.  Tighten your ab muscles and raise your hips toward the sky, creating a "bridge" with your body.  If you need additional support, use your hands to brace the sides of your hips.  Hold this position for five seconds and continue bridging for two minutes.

Hip Rotation Stretch

This stretch is great for avoiding any injuries when you are performing a more intense workout, like HIIT or cardio.  You'll want to start by lying on your back with your knees bent.  Take one leg and place it crossed over one knee.  Use your hand to push your crossed knee away from you until you feel a good stretch.  Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat for three minutes, rotating each leg. 

By performing these simple exercises on a routine basis, you will be able to stay in shape and keep your body in optimal condition.  This is especially important for athletes that are accustomed to sports regimens, which will prevent injury when they return to their sports post-pandemic.  As a top orthopedic surgeon in Lake Mary, we are here to help our athletes stay in shape during tough times.  Contact us to hear about our recommendations for avoiding sports-related injuries today.