4 Common Foot Problems

4 Common Foot Problems

4 Common Foot Problems

If your feet are hurting, then you need to listen to them. They are trying to send you messages that they need you to take better care of them. There are many different reasons that you may experience foot pain but consider these four most common foot problems.  


Bunions are more common in women than in men because pointy-style shoes often cause them to start forming. They are most prevalent when the big toe pushes on the one next to it. You should always choose shoes that are wide enough for your feet. Additionally, you should be sure that the shoes are comfortable to wear. If you still get bunions, then padding them may help them to stop growing and help relieve the pain. There are some medications that you may want to try, including pain relievers and cortisone injections. When severe enough, you may need to have them surgically removed.  

Fungal Nail

If you have thick and brittle nails on your feet, the same fungus that causes athlete's feet may be to blame. You can often stop the fungus with over-the-counter medications. If you see no relieve, then make an appointment to see your doctor. Oral antibiotics often work faster than topical creams. The doctor may also recommend medicated nail polish or special nail cream. In severe cases, you may want to consult with an orthopedic surgeon in Deltona to have the nail removed, and a stronger medicine applied directly to the nail bed.  

Ingrown Toenails

Trimming your toenails straight across and wearing shoes that fit correctly can help prevent ingrown toenails. If you have one or more, then go to the doctor who may lift the nail slightly and put a thin layer of cotton between it and your toe, which you will need to replace daily. The doctor may also remove the nail or part of the nail bed if the problem is severe. The doctor may also put you on a course of antibiotics.  


You should never pop a blister. If the blister has popped on its own, then clean the area with soap and apply an antibiotic cream ointment. If the area begins to look infected, then make sure to see a doctor. You should stop at one of the orthopedic surgeon in Deltona's offices, like Central Florida Bone and Joint Institute if you have not had a tetanus shot in the last ten years.  

Wearing comfortable shoes and keeping your feet clean and dry can help prevent many foot problems. If you are still bothered by one, then come to one of the clinics operated by Central Florida Bone and Joint Institute. These caring professionals will help you figure out the cause of your foot pain and get you back on your feet very soon.